Monday, November 14, 2011

Deep Pan Pizza by Sanjeev Kapoor

•Refined flour (maida) 1 1/4 cups
•Cornmeal 1/2 cup
•Fresh yeast 1/2 tablespoon
•Sugar 1/2 teaspoon
•Salt 1 teaspoon
•Olive oil 3 1/2 teaspoons
•Mozzarella cheese,grated 250 grams
•Fresh basil leaves 10-12
•Tomato sauce 1 bottle
Mix refined flour and cornmeal in a bowl. Make a well in the centre.
Mix yeast with 2 tbsp water, stirring till it dissolves. Add sugar and salt and mix. Pour it into the well in the flour mixture. Mix well, add sufficient water and knead. Add 2½ tsps olive oil and knead to a soft dough. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and set aside to double in volume.
Knock back the dough, cover and set aside to rise again.
Grease non stick pan with 1 tbsp olive oil.
Dust table top with a little dry flour, take half the dough and roll into a ball. Further pat it with fingers to a round slightly bigger than the circumference of the pan so that it can rise up the sides of the pan. Put it in the pan and prick with a fork.
Keep the pan over medium heat and cook it blind for 2 minutes.
Sprinkle cheese all over it, tear a few basil leaves and sprinkle over the cheese. Spread the sauce over. Tear a few basil leaves and spread over the sauce and cook, covered, on medium heat till the underside is golden. Make another pizza similarly.
Cut into wedges and serve.


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